5 Self Care Activities to Add to Your Routine
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels
Want to make self-care a priority in your life but you’re not sure where to start? There are lots of ways to ensure you’re taking care of yourself in your daily routine. Adding just a few basic self-care activities into your day will leave you feeling happier, stronger, and healthier.
If you’re ready to start putting yourself first and giving your mind and body what it needs, below you’ll discover 5 self-care activities to add to your daily routine.
1. Meditate
Meditation has become really popular in recent years. While it’s been around for centuries, it has only been in the past few years that it has really taken off in the western world. It delivers so many incredible benefits, especially in terms of self-care.
The act of meditation forces the brain to let go of any negative thoughts. It allows you to focus solely on the moment and appreciate the beauty around you.
By adding meditation into your self-care routine, you’ll start to notice a huge shift in your mindset. Even just a 10-minute meditation session can provide great benefits to the mind and body. You’ll feel more energized, it will help you to sleep better and you’ll feel a lot calmer overall.
If you’re new to meditation, start by watching guided meditation videos on sites such as YouTube. Or, you’ll find lots of great free meditation apps on your smartphone.
2. Journaling
Journaling is another great self-care practice. It allows you to organize your thoughts, as well as get them out of your head. When you’re going through times of stress, bottling up how you feel will simply leave you feeling even more stressed out. So, writing them down can help you to free your mind and identify how you can tackle any challenges you’re currently facing.
Alternatively, you can start a gratitude journal which forces the mind to focus on the positives. It is thought that just 21 days of writing down the positive things you’re thankful for will leave you feeling much more positive and happier.
3. Yoga
Exercise in general is great to add to your self-care routine. However, yoga is especially effective as it works to calm the mind as well as benefit the body.
You’ll learn how to breathe deeply which in itself is a very calming practice. As well as reducing stress and aiding in weight management, yoga boosts flexibility, improves your posture, and helps you to get in touch with your true self.
4. Focus on sleep
One of the simplest yet often challenging forms of self-care is to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. This will have a major impact on your health and well-being.
Getting plenty of sleep recharges the brain, keeps the skin healthy, and reduces stress. Those who don’t get enough sleep often find they are constantly fatigued and stressed out and they tend to have an unhealthier diet.
So, begin by setting yourself a strict bedtime schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Create the perfect sleep environment, adding a relaxing scent to the room and ensuring you fully relax before getting into bed.
5. Eat a healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet is also paramount to self-care. While the odd treat is perfectly fine, indulging too much in unhealthy foods is going to leave you feeling tired, bloated, and generally unwell.
Adding healthy foods into your diet and avoiding anything processed will give you a lot more energy, help with weight management and you’ll look and feel so much healthier.
There are a lot of self-care activities you can add to your daily routine, but the above are some of the easiest to start with. Remember, the key is to add one activity at a time, so you don’t become overwhelmed.